Panel - Making Data Entry Screens

Coding Full Screen Panels in any language is usually seen as time consumming and sometimes difficult.

Jol provides the Panel instruction which allows anyone to create simple data entry panels.  Additionally, Popup menus are supported.

The Panel and Popup instructions are fully supported in the Windows and Linux versions of Jol too.

And the Jol supplied MENU instruction provides a simple way to do many common functions, such as copying files, running apllications and so on,  Type MENU in the Jol Command Line to see the available functions.  Note that every Installation may alter the menu panel to suit their own requirements.

At it's simplest, the PANEL instruction allows multiple line input panels to be created.  For example, to create a simple name and address entry screen may be done like this:

  PANEL (Reverse green centre ('Name and Address Entry Panel')
    //    /* skip a few lines with /  */

     ('Name            ',name,30,'')

     ('Address        ',address,40,'')


A full screen data entry panel will be created.  The symbolic variables NAME and ADDRESS will contain the information the user types in.  The Jol SAVESYMS instruction may be used to save the data to a file.  Similarly, The WRITE FILE instruction may be used to write the information entered to a data set.

See the full description of the PANEL, POPUP, SAVESYMS and WRITE instructions at

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