Data Set Operations Centralised
In IBM's MVS/ZOS Operating Systems, there are many types of Data Sets or Files. A newcomer needs to know how to allocate, copy, move and delete these different file types. And which IBM utilities and JCL are required.
In order to simplify these functions, the Jol Data Set Centralised commands were developed. Using these commands presents the user with various panels which are similar to each other for various data set types but which call the appropriate IBM Utility 'under the hood' to perform the required task.
NOTE: These are new functions in Jol developed in 2024. They operate in Jol Interactive mode. Some functions such as Allocate happen immediately under TSO. Other potentially long running functions such as copying data sets are submitted to the system to run in the background or batch facility.
To use, type DSMAIN at your TSO Terminal. This will start Jol with the main Data Set Panel.
Or you may start Jol yourself by typing Jol * at the terminal, then enter CENTRAL or DSMAIN and you will be shown the main panel.
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