Interactive Jol TSO 

The Jol Command Processor for TSO has many options. However, for this discussion, just a few are presented. However, note that if you code TSO after the command, Jol will run rour job immediately under TSO, while coding DYN after the command, Jol will generate pseudo JCL to use Dynamic Allocation instead of JCL.


Typing J, JOL or JOLPROD at the TSO Command Prompt invokes Jol.  

Typing J * invokes Jol  and allows  you to enter Jol commands directly at the terminal.

Type J  (member-name)  calls Jol  to read the member from  either the userid.TEST.JOL data set, while JOLPROD (membername) will read from the JOL.JOL60.INCLUDE data set.

Typing CENTRAL or DSMAIN starts Jol with the new Data Set Allocate, Copy and other functions for Data Sets, including VSAM files.

As supplied, Jol has two TSO Commands, and several CLISTs which call Jol up under TSO.

The TSO Commands are J or Jol, and JOLPROD.

Both commands allocate the following data sets:

In addition, the JOL or J Command allocates the sysuid.TEST.JOL data set before the other libraries so that the user can develop his or her own private macros or procedures.

The JOL or J command differ from the JOLPROD command in that the J command allocates the sysuid.TEST.JOL Partitioned Data Set so that the User can have private Jol procedures.  These may be procedures that the user is testing, or private Jol procedures.

In additional to the Jol TSO Coomands, there are several CLISTs which supplied which call the JOLPROD Commnd.

Typing these commands