
Jol Download and Installation

The MVS and Z/OS Jol program files are Pkzipped XMIT data sets. After you download the file, it must be unzipped and transferred to the mainframe.

For example:


This will create these files:

Enter: DA(name.of.your.library) UNIT(unit) VOLUME(volume)

Note: The UNIT() and VOLUME() operands are optional but shown in case your installation puts RECEIVE files on work packs by default.

Jol will now be installed and can be used with or instead of the IBM Job Control Language (JCL).

Note that the Jol scripting language is designed to be used on a variety of computers. It contains a data base of data set attributes so that DDNAMES and DCB information can be "hidden" - Jol will add the DDNAMES and other required information on systems that require it.

The Linux version will be available before the end of the year.


Thanks to Sam Goleb, Mike Cleary and David Alcock from whom I borrowed an outline and a thought or two in writing the above directions. 

Copyright © Clem Clarke 2001.   All rights reserved.

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